
Sunday, August 9, 2009


Xiuhtecuhtli 20"x14" watercolor

I met X. about three years ago and knew right away I needed to paint his portrait. He's an amazing young man on the verge of change. His eyes really are the color of turquoise and has a spirit of youthful fire and true depth. May you remain good and kind and discover your history and depth of soul as you grow.


Unknown said...

dieses Bild ist wirklich toll

Gruß werner

Sandy Maudlin said...

Such high impact! Gloriously painted. LOVE YOUR WORK:-)

manxartist said...

What a fine piece of work. The hair is amazing how did you do it?

Fernando Pena said...

Qué impacto de luz Pablo, excelente como siempre

debwardart said...

Another exquisite portrait!

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Werner, Sandy, Chris, Fernando and Deb.
It's been way too long since I've been on this blog but will be posting more often.

Vicki Greene said...

Your paintings are always a joy to look at and study and just enjoy.

Micah Neff said...

Oh Pablo...that's beautiful...

Chris Beck said...

Fabulous, Pablo. Very nice moody quality and incredible textures.

Robin Purcell said...

Beautiful portrait and the light is lovely..

Nick said...

Can't paint any better than that, it's perfect!(as usual) I think you and Rogger Oncoy have this style of portraiture sewn up. Tight!

Don Gray said...

Wonderfully done, Pablo--congratulations!

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Vicki, Micah, Chris, Robin, Nick and Don!

This one was especially satisfying, all of those colors are among my faves to work with. The hair took a little longer this time cause of the texture of a crew cut.

I may work on some still lifes for the next couple of paintings (glass maybe) just to mix it up again.

Thanks again everyone for taking the time to visit. . . I'll see you around cyber space as the kids are going back to school which means more time to paint and visit all of you!

Beyla Medina said...

Que buena acuarela Pablo, me gusta mucho, la expresión de los ojos y el tono se su piel.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...


Ann Christine Dennison said...

Fantastic work! Ypou have got talent!!!