
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Changing Rose

Transparent Watercolor 20" x 14"
I found these roses in a public garden and thought them so beautiful, not too many petals (to paint) and I especially loved how they changed colors as they aged. I painted this about three years ago when the twins were a little more independent and I could finally dive back into watercolors. I felt like I exploded with color and energy while doing this one so It's probably my favorite flower painting I've done.
I decided to post this one also because I'm a little backed up with my paintings because of back to school stuff and a surprise I'll post in a couple of days. Stay tuned!


Dawn said...

wow Pablo, this is lovely, kind of old world style and coloring. amazing this is watercolor!

Sandy Maudlin said...

So beautiful. I love that rose petal hanging on to the center. You are such a master!

RH Carpenter said...

The light on this one makes my heart sing! Beautifully done, Pablo, and I'll be watching for your surprise!

Vicki Greene said...

Wow! This one is a breath catcher. Beautiful.

Beyla Medina said...

Hola Pablo! Te excelente tu trabajo, la tecnica impeclabe, transmite paz y se demuestra tu calidad artistica y humana,la paleta espectacular.
Saludos desde Venezuela

Unknown said...

This painting is wonderful - the subtle difference of light and shadow within each flower is masterful! Of course, the leaves are also beautiful with the veins and color transitions. I would call this painting "exquisite" because it reflects the beauty of these flowers at their very peak of glory. Did you keep this one or sell it?

The Lone Beader® said...

The detail is beautiful!

Tóbal said...

This is a beauty , Pablo!
It express the passing time with an excellent handling of watercolor technic!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

You're not afraid of a challenge. I like that.
This is beautiful.

Jala Pfaff said...

Stunning. I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog.