
Saturday, January 21, 2012

En La Sombra

"En La Sombra" 29"x 19"
Back in the days before scans and digital cameras were available, at least to me, I painted this watercolor. Long sold, I wish I had it around to take a new images so you could see the nuances in the shadows. I have to say this was one of my favorites because it was one of the first paintings that I learned how to give life to the cast shadows.


Guy Magallanes said...

What a beautiful image. Love all the intricate detailing of light and shadows and the repeating shapes.

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Guy! This one was a lot of work!

Jose Sanchez said...

Es todo un placer ver tus acuarelas, no paro de aprender y disfrutar de ellas. Un saludo

Kara K. Bigda said...

I just found your blog and your work is amazing . . . so joyful and inspiring! While your paintings are extremely detailed (which I love) they express a sense that you truly enjoyed painting them. So much fun. :)

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Gracias Jose, Saludos!

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you for visiting my blog Kara. I really admire your watercolors to! I'll be visiting your blog often :0)

jlynnp said...

Hi, Pablo - I have been seeing your art work on facebook for a long time- just discovered your blog and I am enjoying seeing more of your work. Good Job! I just started my own blog - you might want to look for me. Have a greeat day....jlynn

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Hi facebook friend Jlynn! Thanks for visiting my blog, glad you found it! You're off to a great start on your blog! I'll be sure to visit you often!

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

Paul got it very well, textures, shadows, drawing, work is extraordinary.
Greetings .-

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Gracias Jose! I'm glad you like it. Saludos!


very poetical