
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Honor Song II

"Honor Song II" 12" x 16" Watercolor

I love the textures and images on these pre-columbian flutes and plate. Just some of my treasured items I've acquired along the way.


Unknown said...

This is so lovely Pablo. What a beautiful tribute to all the musicians of bygone days.

Chris Beck said...

Love the painting and the new blog look, too!!

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Sheila, thank you Chris!
Almost didn't recognize my own blog! ha ha ha ha

Carol Blackburn said...

So beautifully done, Pablo. I like the fresh look to your blog.

RH Carpenter said...

This is just so beautiful! And love your new top banner - so full of color and life!

Suzanne McDermott said...

Pablo! You are a master!

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Carol! I'm liking the new look to.

Thank you Rhonda! More changes coming! :o)

Thank you Suzanne! I think I'm getting the hang of this watercolor thing! :0)

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

Extraordinary Paul, these textures, very good work itself and all yours.
Greetings .-

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Saludos Jose! muchisimas gracias por sus comentarios!

L.Holm said...

beautiful painting, and your blog looks great!

Deborah Peters said...

Beautiful! :)

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Liz!
Thank you Deborah!

hmuxo said...

this looks like such a complicated piece, but you have mastered it. Beautifully done, Pablo.!

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you Hilda!


how very beautiful pablo could almost reachout and touch the flute incredible textures and inspiring craftmanship of treasured items.

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you jane!