
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Container Challenge

This time the challenge was containers. It's safe to say that Chris and I are both fans of whimsical cute little critters! I know we both have lots and lots of little things to keep us amused around our work spaces, maybe for me to the point of one of my favorite movies "Misery" with Kathy Bates he he he. .
There were lots of ideas in my head for this one but ultimately, I went another direction with it.
They say in southern Mexico that frogs contain the power to make it rain. So that's what I went with.

"Singing in the Rain" 8"x10" watercolor by me

"Colonel Mustard" 6"x6" by Chris Beck


Tóbal said...

Pablo , these frogs are amazing!
Are they those that make noise with a stick ?
I like them very much!

Mary Sonya conti said...

Always leap with a new update to your site; the life in this-Is it raining there NOW?

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Tobalito! gracias, acabo de ponerlo en Hispa, use Pinceles Escoda!

Mary, odly enough, on the weathercast when I finished the painting, they said it's going to be sunny this whole week. I guess every time we're in need of a little rain, I'll pull these little raspers out and make some noise and do a painting. I'm just sayin'! ! !

MANPOLO said...

Beautiful...thanks for sharing

RH Carpenter said...

Beautifully done, Pablo. Had to jump over from Chris' blog to comment on your painting here, too. I love the little frogs - do they sound like frogs croaking when you run the stick over them? We could use some here - frogs and rain! I like the way you've toned down the cloth under them to match their more subdued color.

Nes said...

Pero qué...bbbbuenas esas ranas mirando hacia la luz, huecas, me encanta la composición!
Un abrazo Pablo

Margaret Ann said...

Beautiful work...What a treasure to find you! :)

VickiRossArt said...

Pablo, so glad I came across your blog! Your work is very inspiring...

Micah Neff said...

Your brushwork intrigues me. Am currently trying to improve mine. How long did it take you to accomplish the way you get hair done in your portraits?

You can critique mine here lol

ale balanzario said...

Hola Pablo, recien encontre y blog y me encanto todo tu trabajo, !!

K. Henderson Fine Art said...

I love paintings that make me smile. This painting is really fun.

Mona Diane Conner said...

Pablo, I found you from Chris Beck's Brush Paper Water blog. Gorgeous work, with so much heart and depth. I am doing a spiritual portraits blog, and I have linked you there.

Pablo Villicaña Lara said...

Thank you everyone for your generous comments, I've been having internet problems for the last three weeks so I haven't been doing much here, rest assured that it's pretty much behind me and I'll be revving up this blog again this coming week. Stay tuned!
Thank you so much again!

Micah Neff said...

Glad to see you back! I had a brushwork question for you when you have time. Keep the brushes wet!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Kathy Bates :D Funny.
Love the little frogs. Your watercolors!