This month I am honored to be a part of a Cross Challenge Challenge. Last month, Jelaine Faunce contacted me to see if I'd be interested in joining her challenge buddies in the March challenge of painting an ordinary white paper envelope and I enthusiastically said yes before I realized how challenging it would be.
After a few days of wracking my brain on how to do the envelope justice, my pet rock snatched it from my hands and insisted on creating his own costume and I just happened to have my paints ready to capture the moment. So this is my challenge painting "Ghost Mail"
Please make sure to check out everyone else's blogs for their story behind their challenge painting! I've had so much fun with this one, thank you Jelaine and cohorts for including me in your challenge!
"Ghost Mail" 6"x6" Watercolor by Me
"Saumons en Papier Avec Le Romarin" 6"x6" Oil on canvas by Jelaine Faunce
"Snail Mail" 6"x6" Watercolor by Chris Beck